Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Project 24: Orchids

Guess who is in the ball this week? This girl is!! I decided Project 24 would be flowers. Orchids specifically. I found a lovely picture of a cluster of orchids. I am not sure how well the picture actually translates into a window. The flowers may be muddled together. I go back and forth on my opinion. But anyway, form your own opinion!

The Process:
It starts with a design.

I cut out the pieces.

I foiled said pieces.

Then soldered.

I added a frame.

Finally, the finishing touches (Patina!).

 Final Product:

                           Beautiful Orchid!

Sunday September 23rd, I will be participating in the Jenkintown Arts Festival. A picture of one my pieces made it onto the website! Can you figure out which one? Anyway, I'm excited and if you have nothing better to do that Sunday come check it out.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Project 23: Hold Me Closer Tiny Dancer

I'm terribly sorry for the absence. I don't know where my time has gone. So this 'week's' project is of ballet dancers. I love to do dancers and aerialists. I think they are incredibly elegant and I think that grace and beauty translate nicely into glass. Plus, my mother was an aspiring ballerina in her younger days, so whenever I make dancers, I'm making them for her. These dancers were inspired by a series of photos of I saw in the NY Times newspaper a couple of months back

Here are other windows I've made in the past:



The Process:
I started by making a pattern.

 I cut out all the pieces and foiled them.

The most time consuming part of this project was that I essentially made three panels and then combined them into one. Each dancer panel had to be made square and had to be the same height as the other panels. Getting the panels to be the right dimensions was very frustrating. The next step was to solder the three panels separately.

I connected the three panels with 'H' channel and then framed the whole panel. 

Lastly I put on a patina and I was finally finished!

Final Product:

Without Light